Flour dust reduction
Reduce flour dust allergies!
The fine particles of flour dust that swirl around bakeries often pose a source of hypersensitivity among employees. Research from the Health Council reveals that 25% of bakery staff suffer from flour dust allergies. Jasca’s atomisation system offers a solution to this problem. Our technology reduces the amount flour dust in the air, proving to be more efficient than current suction methods. Jasca’s systems let swirling particles of flour dust to be trappend with moisture, causing the particles to fall to the floor. By reducing flour dust within the bakery, the health and productivity among your employees is increased.
Flour dust reduction with company's cold water atomization technology
Are you looking for a solid method to reduce swirling flour dust and protect your personnel? Tub and workplace atomisation can prevent a multitude of issues. Jasca’s atomisation technology eliminates dust, allows precise control of indoor climates, and contributes to cost savings. Our cold-water misting systems uniformly distribute moisture throughout your spaces, fostering an ideal climate for both your baked goods and your workforce.
Reduce flour dust, enhance productivity
Flour dust allergies pose a larger problem than is often acknowledged. The Health Council's findings indicate that as many as 1 in 4 bakery employees (25%) is affected. Although this issue is gradually getting recognition, acknowledgment alone isn't a solution. Jasca’s atomisation technology combats the swirling dust, creating a more pleasant working atmosphere.
Is flour dust a concern in your bakery? Please don't hesitate to get in touch.
A pleasant working environment and satisfied employees with flour dust reduction
How it works: Atomised cold water combines with dust particles. Consequently, they become heavier and gravitate to the floor, situated outside the breathing range of your employees. As a result, your workforce avoids suffering from allergies, dry respiratory passages, and irritated eyes. Additionally, cold-water atomisation systems can cool spaces, creating a more pleasant work environment. The enhanced well-being of your employees undoubtedly influences the overall work atmosphere.
Get in touch
Are you aspiring to reduce absenteeism, address flour dust allergies, or delve into flour dust reduction strategies? Alternatively, are you in search of tailored atomization strategies to your unique circumstances? Then reach out to us for advice about flour dust reduction.